Books Bygone

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Almost Summer! Time to Buy Your Seeds

Let us review the four seasons of the Deep South:
  1. Christmas
  2. Almost Summer
  3. Summer
  4. Still Summer
As Christmas has past, it's Almost Summer and therefore time to buy your seeds. A couple of years ago I reviewed my favorite heirloom seed companies. Here are the links to those posts. (Some of the photos were lost in the Great Photo Snaffu of 2012. Sorry 'bout that.)

New Hope Seed Company

Botanical Interests

Victory Seed

Heirloom Seeds (At the the time of the post, this company was experiencing a family crisis and had limited operations. All is well now.)

Here's a post I did on seed company rackets which might be of interest.

Won't be long!

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