Books Bygone

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rock Salt

Don't look for it in town. There's pool salt. There's pickling salt. But no rock salt. 

So what's a body to do? Well, we have a half bag of rock salt left over from Cincinnati days. Nancy at the United States Post Office in the 'village' is going to have to make due with pickling salt. That's the best I could come up with for her. (She only has 30 minutes for lunch and you can't get to town, look for rock salt, and get back in 30 minutes. I was going to town anyway.)

By the way...

MSU to close Tuesday due to winter weather

February 10, 2014

MSU to close Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014, due to winter weather. Severe winter weather conditions in Central and North Mississippi have made driving conditions extremely dangerous. The National Weather Service is predicting significant ice accumulations on the roads and surfaces. Please do not attempt to drive in these conditions except in an emergency. Also, please do not travel to campus. Mississippi State's Tuesday classes, day and evening, are being cancelled for the Starkville campus.

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