Books Bygone

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What a georgeous day! Let's do some gardening!

By column back to front: tomatillo, Napoli & ? tomato; black cherry & honor bright tomato, gooseberry; hyssop, marjoram long purple eggplant

A closer look at the hyssop which is cute as a button
Columns (or rows depending on your perspective) back to front (left to right): society chives, thyme (because you need enough thyme to last a lifetime), eggplant purple something, eggplant antigua; tobacco Wisconsin something, tobacco little Dutch, scarlet runner bean (for fun), two more tobaccos.

A closer look at some tobacco. When they get just a tad larger I'll replant to individual pots.

A bunch of peppers
There are more on the shelf below and in the walk-up green house in front of the window in the dining room. And some flats are still sitting on the heat mat. Celery, celeriac, fennel and such all take a long time to germinate. But all in all I think we're off to a fine start.

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