Books Bygone

Friday, June 29, 2012

Recipes on the Grill / I Saw It Happen

"Georgia Boy Sausages" slathered in chili sauce. Baby Round Zucchini brushed with honey butter while it was grilling.
And Ranch Style Beans heated on the grill.
big food. (That's a joke. Ranch Style Beans is a ConAg product.)

See. If all you'd grown this year was one measly Baby Round Zucchini plant, and one night on your way out of Starkvegas you decided to skip going to the Hog, but you still needed a veggie to grill, and you 'mentally' scanned the garden, and you cut the Baby Round Zucchini that had accumulated in the crisper into thick slices... and brushed them with honey butter ... . You would have enjoyed The Best Vegetable Ever. 

While grilling, Mr. Big Food reported that the fire was really hot although he'd not built a particularly hot fire. It was fairly warm at 8pm. The termo-meter on the wall read about 99 but it had been sitting in the sun for a few hours. 

During the day it was much warmer. The thermo-meter in the truck jumped at least five degrees from the Farm to Starkvegas. The place right before Rick's Furniture on Stark Rd. has a time/temp/ad thing. It read 107.

So I was headed to Starkvegas and was passing a small van on the 4-lane and what do you know? 

I saw this weird rock explosion and the next thing I knew the van's left rear tire blew out, as I was passing. So I slowed down, watched in my rear view mirror, pulled over, backed up... . She was very nice. On our way to Rick's Furniture where her husband works, we talked about how many kids we have and what we were planning for Independence Day. Of course, we talked about how hot is is. So early. She and her family are just going to lay low this holiday. So are we.

Mind you, I saw it happen. 

Oh. I also told her about Daughter C's battery/alternator problem and how some nice guy cutting his grass into whose yard she had landed had helped her. 

The first thing she did was tell me she was o.k. And the next thing she did was thank me. She said that in today's world, not too many people would have stopped. I find that hard to believe.

I haven't exactly been on a roll lately, and I recognize that. Whew. At least we have a Farm.


  1. You know how big your "regular" zucchini can get if you don't pick them? What about the round ones? do they get big enough to look like a watermellon?? or a green cantaloupe, maybe? I guess that would be more like a very dark honeydew melon.

    Boy...what a shock that would be! (If you somehow thought you were getting a version of honeydew, and got an over-mature zucchini instead!

  2. That *would* be something! So far-- and this is the second year I've grown them (this being much better than last)-- I haven't overlooked any long enough to know how big they will get. I basically pick them at two sizes: small (1/2 dollar size) to eat raw in salads or with dip and big (about the size of a 1/3-1/2 cup measure) to cook.

    Interesting now that you draw my attention to it-- the bigger ones don't get darker with age. Hummm.


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