Books Bygone

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Other Thoughts

Other Thoughts from a Big Life in Rural Mississippi is
... a spin-off blog. (I'll get around to making it look nicer.) My blog, Big Food, Big Garden, Big Life: in Rural Mississippi is about just those things: food, garden, life (including the dogs). There, I joke frequently that the blog is not a political blog. It is-- but not explicitly. I want it to be a day-by-day testament to the sort of life you can have only when you cook at home and grow your own veggies and make your own decisions about what sort of life you want to make for yourself.

Some things I've written/will write aren't good fits for Big Food etc. It's as simple as that. Hence, Other Thoughts.

What follows is a short essay I wrote (when we lived in Cincinnati) for the premier gun rights organization in Ohio. In late 2008, the editors of the Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC) hard-copy newsletter wanted someone to write a piece advocating open carry, which is legal in Ohio. The issue also included a piece-- ironically written by someone using a pseudonym-- which was anti-open carry. The issue generated a lot of discussion.  I won, by the way. From a commenter:

In my opinion the winner of the debate is- 
[Marica], by an intellectual knock out. She logically explained her position, and won me over.
The rest is here.

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