Books Bygone

Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Cook... : Part 4? No Rest for the Weary

Updated as I'm able. Scroll down for parts 1-3.
I am so mother...  tired of this. I hope I hear someone complain about the seasonings. So I can go off. There is no end in sight. It's 8:30 and there is no end in sight. Holy Crap.

Post supper update. Mr. Big Food is so smart. When it dawned on me that we were having steak for supper, I declared I'd have a martini. And now Mr. Big Food has me right where he needs me. 

We should be done with all of the cooking before midnight. 

5pm update. Today has been a production line. It will continue into the wee hours. Only one brisket fits in the oven at a given time... . Obviously, we need a Viking Range.

How funny is it that I was thinking about volume last evening? This funny. Mr. Big Food got up sometime after midnight and discovered that the volume of dry beans had expanded well beyond the volume of water  in which they were soaking. Or more precisely, he discovered that the entire volume of water had moved into the beans. He made some after midnight adjustments--  moved some beans to other pots, added water. And so on.

You should see what 40 cups of soaked red beans looks like! I'd show you but the kitchen is a mess. I hope to remember to put the turkey fryer full of red beans on the bathroom scale tomorrow morning. I'm curious how much 40 pounds of beans plus all that onion, etc. weigh. 

4pm update. One thing has become obvious. We do not have enough refrigerators. The first batch of red beans is done. Mr. Big Food decided that the turkey fryer pot would be more appropriate for carting and serving those than a tinfoil roasting pan. But now the question is, where are we going to put it tonight? Humm... . We'll think of something. We always do.

10 C red beans (soaked over night) + onion, peppers, parsley, celery tomato sauce, thyme & bay leaves
There will be three more batches like this! The food processor is a wonderful invention! 


  1. Coolers. Plus dry ice. And if you get different colors, you can color code your various foods - makes it easier when pulling it out of your transportation vehicle.

    1. Figured it out. It wasn;t nearly as difficult as I'd planned for. Plan for the worst... .

  2. Holy crap, sorry I haven't commented before now but I needed to rest after just reading your posts. I think your party will be a hit, don't spoil them too much or else I see a lot of this in your future. Everything looks great, I hope you had a long list of spirits on the shopping list. I vote for the viking range! Hang in there!

    1. It went well. That's a lie. It was great. Once a year. And yes-- on the way back home after the game we were both looking forward to a bourbon. And what do you know? I'm having a bourbon!

      GO DAWGS!


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