Books Bygone

Monday, November 12, 2012

An Interesting Chart

Just sayin'
The election analysis from which this chart comes is interesting, though, as Mr. Big Food says, "certainly not conclusive."

What's more interesting to me is this:

When Ron Paul went to the Republican National Convention in August, he brought with him the youngest delegation in the history of the Republican Party.

How were they welcomed? When they arrived, their signs were confiscated and torn up before their eyes. The Maine delegation was summarily unseated and sent home because they contained too many Paul supporters. At the last minute, the Rules Committee changed the ballot access requirement from five states to eight states to prevent Ron Paul’s name from being entered into nomination. They even prevented his name from being mentioned from the podium!
That's worth remembering.

Take a minute to read the short article sent to Mr. Big Food by Young Americans for Liberty. No matter what your opinion of Paul, citizens elected delegates for Paul. Very few (none?) thought Paul could win the nomination, but what they did think is that they would have some input at the convention. They were denied the opportunity.

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