Books Bygone

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Remarkably Sucessful Day

I hummed a tune in my head in great detail for about 30 minutes and then asked myself, "What is this tune?" Turns out it was something from Carmen, and try as I might, I cannot recreate it now in my head. But it led me to remember what I'd asked for, and forgotten that I'd asked for, for Mothers' Day-- not that I need anything more, but I'd asked for and forgotten I'd asked for this before Kat's great gift arrived. The New World Symphony

I challenged someone's assertion that E.O. Wilson was the greatest biologist of the 20th Century. What foolishness. Mr. Big Food and I amused ourselves thinking about ... . Watson & Crick.

I entered 25 titles into my Library data base. Good for me. 

And I picked up 17 more books at Palmer Home. Someone with an interest in mathematics must have died recently. I scored texts on plane geometry, trig, calc-- all from the very early 20th Century. They all have Tables. They are all marked up. 

It's sad that the people cleaning out their dead relatives homes have no respect for their dead relatives lives.  


When I cease to exist, my books will still exist. As will my garden. But neither my books nor my garden are to be thrown away.

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