Books Bygone

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Episode 3: It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over & It Ain't Over Yet

Mr. mini-Hershey may have had his fill of the shrimp boil and moved on to attend to the details of his worthless life, but those of us worth our salt were still working today.

We went to the Piglet this morning-- the giveaway is up to $700!-- and arrived home to a most horrific sight.

After the groceries were put away, and the dishes done by hand, I managed to clear the undrained water in the bottom, and identify the problem. But there was no time to fix the problem today.
I won't bore you with the details of what was involved with trying to get back to normal after several days of being focused on the tailgate. It was just drudge work-- completing tasks which must be completed as efficiently as is possible without a functioning dishwasher.

The good news is there was a little bit of shrimp left over. Mr. Big Food turned it into a delightful Sunday Supper.

Barbequed Gulf Shrimp with Stephen Pyles' Fresh Seafood Seasoning Mix over Pilaf Deluxe.
I'll wrap up the post-tailgate drudge work tomorrow.

A. Leland has offered to take a look at the dishwasher.

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