Books Bygone

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Keep My Score Card Handy

My Scorecard. I like collecting data, color-coding it, and exploring it.
To recap:

1. It is Tuesday evening.

2. Since approximately December 13th, 20xx we have been warned that last evening and this morning were going to be bad-- weather-wise. We were told to expect 1-3" of snow and about 6" of ice. I exaggerate, but why not?

3. So yesterday-- that would be Monday-- "they" cancelled school for Tuesday.

4. We had a lovely evening last evening-- anticipating the snow day.

5. We got about 0.001 inches of ice over night last night.

6. The girls were suffering from cabin fever, so the three of us went to town this afternoon. Some shops were closed-- I guess on account of the non-existent weather event-- but many were open. Oh! you should see the fresh flowers we found for the table!

7. MSU was to make a statement about Wednesday by 3pm today. Before we left for town we checked the MSU site, its fb site, and twitter account. Can you believe they called off school again?

8. It is sleeting as I type. And we've gone from WARNING to ADVISORY and back now to WARNING.

Meanwhile... . You should see those little tomato and pepper and eggplant and fennel seedlings!

That's the thing about Almost Summer in Mississippi. Sometimes it feels downright wintery. Until it doesn't. I guaran-f'ing- tee  you within two weeks I will be planting in the ground. Within six weeks we will have fresh salad again. Oh! Maybe should start the lettuce seeds.

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