Books Bygone

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"The Kiss of Betrayal"

Lots going on today!
Since tomorrow is Good Friday, lots of businesses and such will be closed-- even State!-- so today substitutes for Friday-go-to-town-day. But first I have to get the first coat on. But before that I must post at least a little something. So I turned to a crappy old book, Christ and the Fine Arts, for inspiration. 

There's a nice little commentary to quote. But before I do that, I need to find the color version of this painting. Easy-peasy, right?

How sad is this?
Three search engines later-- including which claims to never track anyone-- and I give up. I've got things to do. 

Christ and the Fine Arts Revised and Enlarged Edition: An Anthology of Pictures, Poetry, Music and Stories Centering in the Life of Christ. Cynthia Pearl Maus. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York. 1959.

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