Books Bygone

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Goose Hunting

For reasons we can discuss some other day, we are not making our usual trek to My Mother's House for Christmas. We are having Christmas here on The Farm. Mr. Big Food decided he'll cook a Christmas goose. Therefore, we need a goose. And what better place to go hunting for a Christmas Goose than Oxford, Mississippi?

I won't keep you in suspenders. We did not find a goose-- Christmas or otherwise-- in Oxford. But on the way to Oxford, we did find Water Valley, a previously "derelict Mississippi town." 

This is from the famous B.T.C. (Be The Change) Grocery*
It ain't a K-Roger,

but the trees were reasonably priced, given the market. 
I have other photos of Water Valley's shops and galleries, but as Miss M and Daughter C did not go goose hunting with us, I will not post them at this time. No one likes a spoiler. 

This I will share. The fallen soldiers of Water Valley.

*Please note that this is NOT an authentic Mississippi sign.  It was not written by a redneckbackwoodsignerntboniefied Mississippian. There are no apostrophes, no quotes, and too few capital letters. Should be:

... Farmers... ice cream maker's...Bread Bakers...grit grinds'... ... bee's keepers'... and "Christsmas' Tree Planters'".

1 comment:

  1. Our first Christmas was spent in Germany. Communications were not then what they are today - so I was on my own. Completely. We had a duck. My stove-oven was a German one (we lived on the local economy) with no temperature markings. Such recipes as I could find indicated a "short", "long" or "medium" flame. In order to determine the length of the flame, I had to get down on my hands and knees and peek through a small opening at the flame level. Oh...and did I mention that I was about 8 + months pregnant? In any case, I started it with a "long" flame, but at some point decided it was roasting too fast, so turned it down to "short" flame. I have no idea what temperatures I used, or what timing I used, but it was delicious with the crusty skin standing away from the body meat in a way that I've never been able to reproduce. (ok...I've only tried it a couple of times since then..)
    Other than that, we always had plain old turkey - cooked breast down, like my Mom taught me! Not so pretty, but not dry either! And you don't have to baste continuously to get the moistness.


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