Books Bygone

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chew on this

I love the photo at the article site. This is the first thing I've stumbled upon from the Food Renegade site and it looks interesting. I'm a little put off by the repeated use of the word, "sustainable," though. But I'll keep my brain open.

hat tip: Instapundit

My take on the question? "Rights" talk is metaphysical talk. I don't do metaphysics. So I get around the whole issue of rights by just saying to folks who assert that I do or do not have a "right" to do X:  
I don't want to be told what to do/eat/say/think/feel. etc. Get out of my garden and kitchen, and stay away from my bookshleves. And while you're at it, get out of my life.
(Don't think I'm an anarchist, though. There are rules.)

Rule aught.

There's a BIG difference between telling what to ..., and discussing the merits of doing  ... . The difference is choice. That's what the linked article is about.

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