Books Bygone

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Can you see all four of them?

This is not a good photograph.* I took it behind a window. But still, if you zoom in you should be able to see four Odocoileus virginianus, white-tailed deer. Two are does, the other are fawns-- they were probably born this spring. 

Why the post title? Look carefully. Between the two cedar trees is an expanse of chicken wire. On the chicken wire are a bunch of clothes pins that we use to attach pieces of paper to the wire. Behind the chicken wire is an embankment. That's our shooting range! I can see it from my desk about 85 yards away. 

Note that "food" is a label. I will return to this in November. 

*If you are interested in amateur photography, check out Kat Landreth's blog, Pare and Focus. I'm working through her tutorials and ebook (I'll try to find the link, she sent me a draft). Pare and Focus: Her photography career started because she wanted to take great pictures of the food she prepared. She's an excellent cook.

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