Books Bygone

Monday, October 10, 2011

Crappy old stuff: Mending

Few women appreciate the importance of mending, forgetting entirely the old proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Every housewife should form the habit of doing the weekly mending each week instead of allowing it to accumulate until it becomes a burden. Carefully mended garments denote thrift, industry, and economy; therefore, every woman and every girl should take pride in knowing how to darn a pair of stockings, to patch a worn garment, and mend a tear. Mary Brooks Picken (Woman’s Institute Library of Dressmaking: Sewing Materials, 1923)
Thrift, industry, and economy. Pride.

I must admit I don't think I could darn a pair of socks very well. But I have a set of old books written by Mary Brooks Picken. So if worse come to worst, I can learn.

Moving on to more important matters... .

A protester at Occupy Cincinnati. She has a job.
And an iPhone. Good for her.
Please note that these photos were grabbed from this web site. I've included the citation information in the screen shot itself.

You can learn more about Mary Brooks Picken, a prolific writer on needlework, sewing, textiles, etc., at Wikipedia, Yellow Zeppelin, and Amy Barickman.

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