Books Bygone

Monday, October 10, 2011

Night without parole

Rocky did something so terrible this evening that I sent him to his box for the rest of the night (until C gets home). 

Parts of a paperback book
I accept partial responsibility. He'd been very good all evening, even while we were cooking a very nice fall supper-- baked porkchops, and some casserole made out of winter squash, an egg, some milk and melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. But I lost track of him when we went back into the kitchen to clean up, put things away, and so on. I'm sorry I did. 

But Rocky has to take responsibility for his actions, too. Since I make the rules, I ruled that chewing up books was a very bad thing. And so Rocky is behind bars.

C will be home soon. She will break him out.
He is not pouting. He is contrite. I left C a note.

Note to C regarding Rocky's misbehavior
Other than this episode, Rocky had a good day. He almost caught a butterfly!

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