Books Bygone

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Fittingly, the PJMedia contributor who writes under the pen (keyboard?) name, "Zombie" posted this video from RevealPolitics. Here's what Zombie says,
Until this moment I had just assumed, apparently quite naively, that Democrats and liberals deep in their hearts of course loved freedom, and only appeared to embrace the incipient totalitarianism of “big government” Democratic politics because they were actually unaware where Nanny-Statism leads, blocking out any consciousness of the downside of collectivism and purposely putting on the Happy Face Blinders. Back when I was a liberal that was my sin as well: absolutely refusing to acknowledge any potential flaw in my political philosophy.

But this video reveals a horrible new truth: They do know that Big Government leads to a nation of slaves — and they’re glad about this fact!

Thomas Paine would not agree.

And now... back to tomatoes!

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