Books Bygone

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Next time we take the dogs on a walk

let's leave the dogs at home." Constructive thought from Miss M.

Man. Talk about not minding your manners... ! I appreciate that the woods must be an olfactory smorgasbord for them, and that they are not perfect. But even by their standards they were misbehaved-- wild & crazy, even.

I blame the moon.

October 2012 (More here)


  1. Looks like a spam comment to me. I could be wrong...but there IS a link to regentparkstockfeeds included - which looks like an ad to me. If it's computer generated though, how does it get past the "prove you're not a computer" thingie?

    And how come _I_ get thrown into the spam folder and this one flies by?

    Another mystery of the universe...

    1. Spam cracks me up. I don't have prove you're a human set up. Guess I ought to.

    2. Wait. Yes I do. Weird, man.


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.