Books Bygone

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taken to Task

today was I for not properly documenting Miss M's gradual Transition from a City Mouse to a Country Mouse Adventures here on the Farm in Rural Mississippi.

She was right to do so. In my defense, those vegan bonbons we've been enjoying are right filling!

This afternoon, we paused our Soap Operas and prepared to take the dogs for an afternoon walk. As we approached the Shop, Miss M commented that I could blog about our upcoming walk.

"Dang, I don't have my camera," I said, looking at her, hopeful that she'd run back to the house to get the camera. She didn't take that bait.

"C'mon. Let's go get it!" she said.

I stalled.

"C'mon! We're not lazy. We're Farmers!!" she said.

So we trudged back to the house... .

And all I have to show for it are these:

That little patch-- about dead center-- is cotton.
It was better in real life.


 And then there was the Money Shot!

Brought to us all my Miss M's Eagle Eye

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