Books Bygone

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

370 Days Later

I brought Missy to the Farm January 19, 2012. 

Here's the homecoming post.

Look how BIG Rocky was a year ago!
And for Nostalgia's sake, here're a few words from January 20:
I'm not entirely sure who is going to win the war on play fighting. But there is no question in my mind that they are bonding. There's something sort of tragic about Rocky independently sitting outside her box, which is far superior to his, while she's in a circumstance that is not at all different that what she was in a day or two ago. Right. She's in a new & improved box with Rocky circling nearby and me blogging about her. Poor Dear.

My hope is that if I can teach Missy some manners, they can be independent together!

Through the cage, they are nose to nose.
No one won the war because it's all in play! But they have learned how to be independent together. You should see them exploring the Over-grown Pasture side by side!

And talk about learning manners. Whoa boy! 

Missy now asks politely, "May I please reach across the table to sniff that beautiful pencil? May I? May I?" But then, somewhat impolitely, she says, "Hey! You're not paying any attention to me. I asked nicely and you ignored me so you know what? That pencil is mine. Thank you very much."

One thing is certain about Life this past year on the Farm. We have all come to realize that each of us is smarter than a dog. Most of the time. 

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