Books Bygone

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This Just In

I hear tell there are folks out there that don't "get" the Dinner Party / Dinner Party Conversation Game. Frankly, I don't get that. But you know, "they" say it takes all kinds and on that, "they" might be right. "Our" kind seem to be having fun, as is nicely illustrated by Denis Leary's response to Alan Alda. Take that!

I don't think life sucks. Maybe that's because I can Plyk. You know, Plyk-- Play Like I'm at a Dinner Party.
I feel sorry for people who can't Plyk.

1 comment:

  1. From the episode of Survivor Man where Les goes to Papua New Guinea "In the adventure known as life, there are those who live it vicariously, and enjoy the ride from the safety of an arm-chair; and that's good. There are those who have a few chances to realize incredible and life-changing experiences; and though they don't repeat them, they carry with them a growth and personal philosophy for the rest of their lives. And there are those for whom a taste, is never enough; for whom the lust of adventure, is nearly insatiable. And if you add to that the overwhelming desire to create, and to share, then you get where I reside. For the end of one adventure, only signifies the beginning of another."


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