Books Bygone

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Everything You Wanted to Know About Big Egg

Okay. Maybe everything is an exaggeration. But this

doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

Neither does this.
 Read more about the conspiracy* by United Egg Producers to drive small and medium egg farmers out of business and increase the the cost of eggs. 

*I kid. Just because there was a secret meeting involved doesn't make it a conspiracy.


* I kid. Just because there's a "corporate-­‐state protection racket that a mobster might envy" involved doesn't make it a conspiracy. 
This week the US House of Representatives is considering the 2013 Farm Bill – the agriculture policy tool of the federal government. This is legislation that is supposed to be supportive of America’s farmers, not harmful to them. Yet some House Members, at the urging of liberal animal activist groups, are pushing an amendment to the farm bill that would result in an unfunded government mandate on thousands of family farms around the nation.  The “Egg Bill” amendment would set unfunded requirements on the size and structure of egg producing facilities, forcing many farms to shut down or increase their production costs, which will ultimately be passed on to consumers. That is why it is opposed by the entire animal agriculture industry and thousands of consumers nation-wide. - See more at:
This week the US House of Representatives is considering the 2013 Farm Bill – the agriculture policy tool of the federal government. This is legislation that is supposed to be supportive of America’s farmers, not harmful to them. Yet some House Members, at the urging of liberal animal activist groups, are pushing an amendment to the farm bill that would result in an unfunded government mandate on thousands of family farms around the nation.  The “Egg Bill” amendment would set unfunded requirements on the size and structure of egg producing facilities, forcing many farms to shut down or increase their production costs, which will ultimately be passed on to consumers. That is why it is opposed by the entire animal agriculture industry and thousands of consumers nation-wide. - See more at:
This week the US House of Representatives is considering the 2013 Farm Bill – the agriculture policy tool of the federal government. This is legislation that is supposed to be supportive of America’s farmers, not harmful to them. Yet some House Members, at the urging of liberal animal activist groups, are pushing an amendment to the farm bill that would result in an unfunded government mandate on thousands of family farms around the nation.  The “Egg Bill” amendment would set unfunded requirements on the size and structure of egg producing facilities, forcing many farms to shut down or increase their production costs, which will ultimately be passed on to consumers. That is why it is opposed by the entire animal agriculture industry and thousands of consumers nation-wide. - See more at:
This week the US House of Representatives is considering the 2013 Farm Bill – the agriculture policy tool of the federal government. This is legislation that is supposed to be supportive of America’s farmers, not harmful to them. Yet some House Members, at the urging of liberal animal activist groups, are pushing an amendment to the farm bill that would result in an unfunded government mandate on thousands of family farms around the nation.  The “Egg Bill” amendment would set unfunded requirements on the size and structure of egg producing facilities, forcing many farms to shut down or increase their production costs, which will ultimately be passed on to consumers. That is why it is opposed by the entire animal agriculture industry and thousands of consumers nation-wide. - See more at:

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