Books Bygone

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So I walk into the kitchen, see the purple basil on the table, and ask,

"Did you pick this basil yourself?"

"No. I asked Miss M to get me some. I went out and looked and told her specifically which kind I wanted."

"Okay, then!"

A few minutes later, "Hey, Marica!"


"Can you go get me some thyme?"

"Sure. How much do you need?"

"About as much as the basil."

So I pick up Herbert-- what we've named the herb cutting scissors-- and walk out and pick some thyme.

I sowed seed directly in the herb garden along the sidewalk for a thyme 'hedge." It's creeping along nicely.
Parts of the herb garden are a pure-T mess. What with the rain and the warm weather, the weeds have gone crazy. The sage is over-run, but sage is a real trooper. Some cucumbers volunteered in the asparagus patch. I allowed them to stay. I'm laissez faire with respect to volunteers. I pulled the red onions the other day. They're curing. That opened up some space, which is good.

Oh! Because I wanted some perennial flowers in the herb garden, I sowed some Texas Bluebonnet seeds Mr. Big Food's Mom brought from Texas. They are about to flower!

We are making an effort to weed the herb garden. As bad as the weeds are, weeding an herb garden is a delightful task. We're careful, but we are rewarded for our mistakes! Dang. That smells good!


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.