Books Bygone

Friday, July 12, 2013

Recipe: Beer Barbeque Sauce | Alt. Title? LIfe Is Complicated

I asked Mr. Big Food for the recipes for a few of this week's menu items. He sent them to me via email because my desk and his desk are ... geeze, I dunno, at least 15 paces apart. I posted them before supper. And now I see there is one last Word Doc I didn't close-- one Word Doc recipe that didn't get posted. 

Earlier, Mr. Big Food's emailed to say, 
For the Barbecued Pork Chops II I used Beer BBQ Sauce instead of the sauce given in the recipe--I've attached that recipe, too.

Love you!
Love you, too.

Who wants to research emails and recipes and previous blog posts at 9pm? No one. But I must. It's my duty. 

Surely, I have posted the recipe for Beer Barbeque Sauce previously which would mean I could just UPDATE the pork chop post with a link. 

But I see that I have posted the recipe for Beer Barbeque Sauce II, which is not the same as Beer Barbeque Sauce. 

And so, here is the recipe for the Beer Barbeque Sauce used on Barbequed Pork Chops II!


About 3 cups (keeps well in refrigerator)

12 oz bottle plus 2/3 C chili or cocktail sauce (each gives a different and unique flavor)

2/3 C mustard (different varieties give different flavors)

1 tsp dry mustard

1 Tbsp soy sauce

Dash Tabasco (or to taste)

½ C beer

¾ C brown sugar, packed

¼ C vinegar

1 Tbsp lemon juice

½ tsp black pepper

1 Tbsp salad oil

Combine all ingredients and mix well.

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