Books Bygone

Monday, September 30, 2013


I can't argue with nothing but a stare of incredulity.
--Mr. Big Food
We had some fun, parsing that sentence.

Dedicated to Dr. Mike
Little Susan cast aside her incredulity and simply said, "I believe. I believe. I know it's silly, but I believe."
And another
In lieu of an epistemological run-on sentence, I'll be brief and state that I was in a state of incredulity when I heard Bruno is finally a doctor after all these years.
--Daughter C

This Week 9/30 - 10/6: Birthdays

This week is Kat's Birthday week. From my point of view, the only two weeks that are as important as this week are the weeks that envelope 3/12 and 4/7. Oh. and one or two in December.


And now to the history.

Two executions in one week.

1183 St. Francis of Assisi born (d.1226) [1]

1536 William Tyndale executed (b.1492?) "English reformer, martyr, and translator of the Bible, 1525. [1]
I am not so sure I'd want to have my life summed up in eight words. There was a lot more to Tyndale than eight words. When he fled to Germany, he met with Martin Luther. He was tried for heresy, found guilty, was strangled and burned at the stake. 
1656 Miles Standish died (b.1584) "English colonist at Plymouth... ." [2]

1703 Jonathan Edwards born (d.1758.) "Author of Freedom of the Will (1754) which 'for clear insight, originality, and solid reasoning is unsurpassed in American literary annals.'" [2]
Edwards was one of the leaders of The Great Awakening, "the religious revival that swept the colonies in the 1730's and '40s." This was the first mass movement in America, and it emphasized many democratic themes, for example, "all people stand equal in the eyes of God." [3]
1780 Joseph André executed (b.1751) [1]
If that name sounds vaguely familiar to you, go to the head of the class. André was a friend of "the beautiful Peggy Shippen" [3] and a participant in an act of moral turpitude.
1822 Rutherford B. Hayes born 19th President of The United States (d.1893) [1]
Heh. He doesn't even get eight words. I'll see if I can find him a few more if I have a chance later today or tomorrow. I mean, it's his birthday week, after all. The guy deserves a few more words.
1846 George Westinghouse born (d.1914) "Engineer and inventor of the air-brake, patented in 1869 [1]

1858 Michael Idvorsky Pumpin born (d.1935) Eminent American electrical scientist, inventor, and teacher. Born in Serbia. ... Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1924 for his autobiography From Immigrant to Inventor. [2]
Who was I reading about just the other day? A wonderful tale of a little Jewish kid going from abject poverty and persecution in the late 1900s in Russia to fame and riches in America. Ran away at 14. Played spoons on street for change. Was a singing waiter in New York. Wrote a few tunes, some remembered to this day. One, a patriotic little tune, made a heap of money. But, "refusing to capitalize on his patriotism" this songwriter donated every red cent to the Boy & Girl Scouts! Irving Berlin. God Bless America! [5]

1868 Louisa May Alcott published Little Women [3]

1869 Mohandas Ghandi born "Hindu Nationalist leader and social reformer." [2]

1927 Mt. Ruchmore begins [3]

September 30, 1946-- At Nuremberg, after one of the greatest trials of all time, all of the twenty-one defendants have been found guilty. [4]

October 2, 1947-- The Jewish Agency for Palestine announced that it accepts teh United Nations plan for dividing the Holy Land into separate Arab and Jewish states.
The Arabs have announced their intention to drench the entore Middle East in blood before permitting the partitioning of Palestine. [4]

1950 Peanuts first published [3] 

1996 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu Mother Teresa receives honorary citizenship. Other honorary citizens are Churchill (1963), Raoul Wallenberg (1981), William and Hannah Penn (1984), The Marquis de Lafayette (2002) [3]


Religious Education Week. "First full week in October." [3]

National Busines Women's Week. Generally second week of October. "Sponsored by the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs to emphasize the important progress made by women during the last hundred years and to widen the horizon for the future." [3]

1. Mary Emogene Hazeltine. Anniversaries and Holidays: A Calendar of Days and How to Observe Them. American Library Association, Chicago. 1928.

2. Mary E. Hazeltine. Judith K. Sollenberger, ed. Anniversaries and Holidays: A Calendar of Days and How to Observe Them Second Edition, Completely Revised. American Library Association, Chicago. 1965.

3. William J. Bennett and John T.E.. Cribb. The American Patriot's Almanac. Thomas Nelson, Nashville. 2008. 

4. Lowell Thomas. History As You Heard It. Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y. 1957.

5. David Ewen. Great Men of American Popular Song. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1972

I am not going to be coy | Incredulity

Mike Bruno successfully defended his dissertation last Saturday.

The World-Wide-Web was abuzz.
He called to ask if he could stop by the Farm on his way from Tuscon via Memphis (MEM) to Startvegas, or some such -->, --> .

Dear Dr. Mike,

You have a standing invitation.



A Close Encounter with Freedom

We were out in the overgrown pasture just now. I was wandering around thinking about freedom and the dogs were doing what dogs do.

All of a sudden, I looked up, and there was Bambi-- heading straight toward me! He changed course when he saw me. I hollered, "Missy!" She came a-runnin' and headed off in Bambi's direction. Rocky followed.

Bambi still has his spots but he's grown a lot since I'd last seen him. He's almost as tall as I. 

Here are the questions of the morning: 

Is Bambi free? 

Are the dogs? 

Am I?

And, what did you do before 9am this morning? I hope it wasn't anything metaphysical!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Flat as A Pancake

Saturday's breakfast: flat pancakes.

Daughter C tapped on the door last evening after we had retired to The Den.

"Mom?" she asked, "Did you know the truck has a flat tire?"

"Yeah. That tire is loosing air for some reason."

"No. I mean you have a flat tire."

Sure enough. Flat as a pancake.

You know how she knew? She walked out into the garage, after dark, and in the light of the pole light, the shadow of the truck offended her sensibilities.  One does not like to see a 4-legged truck down on one leg.

Mr. Big Food, The Truck & I had been over by the lake levy earlier that afternoon. There's no tellin' what happened. So I figured, hey, what the heck? And I showed Daughter C how to connect the air compressor to the 12-volt thingy and to the tire, and I gave her the tire gauge and I retired. Going from zero to forty was going to take a while.

She gave it her best shot and waited up while it pumped up. But by morning, The Truck was down again. 

Flat as a pancake.

What with Daughter C, Miss M and A. Leland all having vehicles, we are vehicle rich here at the Farm. So we went about our Sunday morning business of going to the Piglet, putting away the groceries, having second breakfast, taking the dogs out, having lunch (it was a lazy day), and so forth. By early afternoon we finally came face to face with the idea that The Truck was down and was not going to get up without our help.

And it was raining. And those lug nuts are factory-tightened. (We've been here before. Do you know what 'factory tightened' means?)

And that's when it hit us! We have Road Side Assistance with about a dozen different places. Here, Miss M was instrumental. While I sifted through the cards in my wallet, Miss M threw up her hands and decided it was okay-- just this once-- for us to live in the 21st century and avail ourselves of all the World Wide Web has to offer. She presented me with a piece of paper with all the relevant information.

Forty-five minutes later, the guy called for directions. Turns out his GPS couldn't find us. An hour or so later, he was in the driveway, tending to the fallen Truck.

So here's the question: Do I feel badly about asking someone to come out in the rain, on a Sunday, to put the spare on? Well. Yes. But Really. No.

Sonny's Auto or whatever has contracted with Ford Roadside Assistance. Sonny's is going to be able to bill Ford way more than it cost in mileage alone to change our tire. Sonny is going to stick it to the man. Good for Sonny.

Hey. I don't make these rules. The Sonny guy said his instructions were to go the 1) shortest (mileage) and 2) fastest (time) possible route. He told us where he lives. We all had a good laugh. He said he'd gone the back way but would log how they wanted him to go. You go, Sonny, Dude!

So no. I don't feel bad about pulling the Sonny dude away from this TV set on a rainy Sunday.

Sonny is going to make some money on this call. The Truck is back on its tires, we didn't have to unbolt those factory installed lug nuts.

And all is Good & Right in the World.

Recipe: Apple Sage and Fennel Breakfast Sausage

Garden fresh sage, scallion tops &  fennel seeds, waiting to be chopped fine
Cooking apples and scallion whites, heated
Combine all ingredients
This is the one I'm most anxious to try. He have six pounds.

I should note that in addition to the Wolf Boar, Currywurst and this, we also made four pounds of Maple sausage and five pounds of Homemade Hot Sage Sausage.

We a sausage rich. All told, we put up 28 pounds yesterday.



1 Tbsp vegetable oil
2 tart cooking apples, about 15 oz total, peeled, cored, and cut into ¼ inch dices
1 bunch scallions, sliced thin, white and green parts divided
2 lb ground pork
½ C fresh sage, packed loose, chopped fine
1 ½ tsp fennel seeds, crushed or lightly chopped
1 tsp salt (can use curing salt, like Morton’s Tender Quick)
¾ tsp freshly ground black pepper

In a 10 inch skillet, heat oil over medium heat, add apples and scallion whites, and cook until apples are soft and beginning to brown, 5 to 8 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes. Combine all ingredients. Form into 1 lb logs. If using curing salt, let cure refrigerated for 24 hours. Freeze.

Recipe: Currywurst

No photo of this one. It was one of the most bizarrely colored sausages Mr. Big Food has made. It looked like hotdog meat. Except, of course, for the fact that we all know what's in it!

I believe Mr. Big Food doubled this recipe, based on the amount of pig shoulder we had. We have seven pounds.

The blogger at writes: “I’d like to thank Edward K for sending in this recipe. We made them and they turned out fantastic!!”


3 lb pork shoulder meat, ground
1 C whipping cream
1 Tbsp salt (can use curing salt, like Morton’s Tender-Quick)
1 Tbsp turmeric
1 Tbsp curry, mild
1 Tbsp. paprika
1 tsp pepper
Hot dog casings (optional)

Mix salt, turmeric, curry, paprika, and pepper into meat, then mix in cream. If stuffing casings, place mixture in food processor and process to hot dog emulsion, stuff the meat paste into small hog casings, tie off into 6 inch links, and fry and eat or freeze. If not using casings, form into 1 lb logs. Let cure refrigerated 24 hours if using curing salt. Freeze.

Recipe: Wolf Boar Sausage

This is what homemade sausage looks like before it's shaped into logs, cured, frozen, and later cooked and eaten: A big gooey mess. But we know what's in it!
We made six pounds of Wolf Boar Sausage. Mr. Big Food got this recipe from Mr. Big Food's Uncle. 


5 lbs lean hog meat, plus 1 lb fat back (or 6 pounds pig shoulder meat), ground
¼ C fennel seeds
1 ½ Tbsp sea salt (or use curing salt, like Morton’s Tender-Quick)
1 Tbsp course ground black pepper
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp dried basil
1 Tbsp crushed red pepper
½ C sweet marsala wine

Combine all ingredients, mixing well. If using curing salt, cure 24 hours in refrigerator. Freeze in 1 lb logs.

The Relationship Between Children and Parents

The filial bond between a mother and daughter are unbreakable.
--Miss M

Only the filial nature of our relationship could explain the fact that I did not strangle him, unless, of course, I were a ruthless reductionist, in which case I I would blame it in the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for producing and preserving the kinder neural pathways in me.
--A. Leland
Run. On. Sentence. Wait. You want to strangle your father?
Although the first filial generation showed no signs of its parents' poor choices, by the time of the third filial generation, it was apparent that a multi-generational steady diet of chips and soda had consequences.

Filial relations are critically important-- in horse racing.
--Mr. Big Food

Michael J. Fox starred on a popular '80s tv show about filial bonds.
--Daughter C

How to Tell It's Fall Sausage-Making Day

The dogs will be cooped up in the den all day.
SEC football will be on and the kitchen will be a mess,
but smell really good-- that's 1 cup of freshly picked sage + other things.
You will come upon scenes like this.
That's Apple, Fennel, Sage Sausage. I'm anxious to try that. 

More on the sausages later, as I post the recipes.

Oh My Darlin' Oh My Darlin'

♩ ♫ ♬

Friday was a very busy day for everyone so we carried Friday's word over into Saturday and read or Word of the Day Sentences sentences last evening.

Normally a clement soul, when the old woman awoke to find the peddler cutting up her petticoat, she reached into her bag of eggs, pulled out her .357, and shot him.

Today's weather s more clement than an Asian philosopher.
--Daughter C

If 'clement' means mild does that mean a clementine is a temperature tangerine?
--A. Leland

Clement welfare is rarely on offer in SEC football.
--Mr. Big Food

Friday, September 27, 2013

There You Have It!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Recipe: Garlic Green Beans":

Pretty section of content. I just stumbled upon your weblog
and in accession capital to assert that I get in fact enjoyed account your
blog posts. Anyway I'll be subscribing to your augment and
even I achievement you access consistently quickly.

I am forevering battling monkeys.


Hey! Yo! Google! You're are supposed to be good at this. Couldn't you please get rid of this stuff?

Greens & Such

Beet thinnings, or if you prefer, micro-Swiss chard

Broccoli raab thinnings

Lettuce thinnings

The makings of a fine salad.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Problem Solved!

One of the 48 new crappy old book I've acquired recently is the New American Encyclopedia of Social and Commercial Information: A Practical and Educational Compendium Suited to the Needs of Everyday Life (James E. Homans, ed. P.F. Collier & Son, New York. 1908).

This book is amazing! It begins

A practical education is the greatest wealth that man or woman may possess. It is a property that cannot be alienated, yet one that may be shared with others without loss. Education is the legacy good parents must bequeath to their children. It is an investment that all young people must be persuaded to seek. Some part of every day should be devoted to the acquirement of a little more useful knowledge.  

I couldn't agree more!  And this crappy old book is just exactly the sort of book to look to for the "acquirement of a little more useful knowledge." It's got everything for everyone.

This is page 1 of the two-page contents
 As I was searching for the acquirement of a spot of knowledge today, I ran across a puzzle in the "Arithmetical Amusements" section: A sure Way to Learn a Person's Age. (Some of the writing in the Encyclopedia of Everything is rather long-winded. I'll just give you the gist of the puzzle.)

Think of the number corresponding to the month of your birth.

Multiply that by 2.

Add 5.

Multiply by 50.

Add your age.

Subtract 365.

Add 115.

Let's say you played along, and you are a 30 year old born in March. Your answer will be 330. If you are 42 years old and were born in October, the answer will be 1042.

What's the trick?

Look at the order of operations. Subtract 365, and then add 115 is a giveaway. 250. Go looking for 250.

My thought train:

Multiplying by 2 makes every number even. Adding 5 makes every number odd. Multiplying by 50 moves the birth month to the 100th's or 1000th's space, always ending in 50.

When trying to figure out a trick, the best first pass is to recreate the trick in the simplest possible terms. 

Answers to an Evening Little Game

You may recall I thought last evening was a good one for a little game. And so, we played a matching game. Match the sentence with its author.
SENTENCES in alphabetical order according to first word
1. "¡Adios, Pebbles!" she said to the little girls in a sardonic tone.
2. Her sardonic laughter in response to what was, in fact, a sound and thoughtful argument betrayed her as the ignorant one.
3. Sardonic laughter is sometimes the most effective response to expressed idiocy.
4. There was no hiding the fact that his views of the Narcissist-in-Chief and Ole Missed we equally sardonic.
AUTHORS in alphabetical order according to the way I name names
A. A. Leland
B. Daughter C.
C. Marica
D. Miss M
E. Mr. Big Food


There's a back story to this. C (B) read the sentence. M (D) wrote it. I think there was some conniving going on.



You are granted absolution if you mixed these two up. 


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Good Evening for a Little Game

Below are four sentences, numbered 1-4, and five names, labeled A-E.

Please match the sentence with its author. You may leave your answers/guesses in the comments, or email me.

SENTENCES in alphabetical order according to first word
1. "¡Adios, Pebbles!" she said to the little girls in a sardonic tone.

2. Her sardonic laughter in response to what was, in fact, a sound and thoughtful argument betrayed her as the ignorant one.

3. Sardonic laughter is sometimes the most effective response to expressed idiocy.

4. There was no hiding the fact that his views of the Narcissist-in-Chief and Ole Missed we equally sardonic.

AUTHORS in alphabetical order according to the way I name names
A. A. Leland

B. Daughter C.

C. Marica

D. Miss M

E. Mr. Big Food
Please record you answers/guesses in the comments section. 

The answer key will be posted at 12 o'clock central time, September 26th.

Good luck!

Rocky's Famous!

The conversation just now:

"Rocky! Did you see Aggie blogged about you?"


"How thoughtful of her!"


"Lots and lots of people read Aggie's blog. You're famous!"


"I see I am mentioned only as 'his cohort'."

"Now, now Missy. You're missing the point. If Aggie had named a raccoon after you, Rocky would have been 'her cohort'. Right Rocky?"

"Ruff, ruff."

"Just to be clear, you haven't connived to make the trip to Aggie's down on the coast, have you?"


"I can't make any promises. I mean, look at the situation from my point of view. 'Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.' That's all I hear around here. And now this! Rocky gets blogged about-- by name-- and what do I get? Maybe a little vacation would do me good. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you know."

"Oh Missy. We all love you. But not everything can be about you. Don't you think Rocky deserves to be blogged about by someone other than I?"


"I'm not saying everything should be about me. But for crying out loud! Much as I love him, have you heard him speak? He has a vocabulary of literally one word!"


"I, on the other hand, am anything but prosaic. I am scrupulous in making sure my words communicate the exact shades of my meaning. I don't like to flaunt it, but ... "

"Ruff! Ruff ruff!!"

"Excuse me. Rocky hears something. I gotta go. We can continue this conver... ."


"I heard you the first time. I'm coming! Ruff ruff!!"

Who Do These People &^%*ing Think They Are?

The dogs and I had a wonderful run. They were relatively well-behaved, doing what I asked them to do this foggy morning.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my elected officials.

We came back in, got our iced coffee, and checked our email. Okay. The dogs didn't get any email, but one of mine caught my attention. The subject line was "He's still talking."

I didn't believe it. So I turned on CSPAN2 and sure enough, he's still talking!

I emailed my Senators, asking why they were not on the floor supporting him.

And then I picked up the phone.

Wicker's rolled over to voice mail where I left a message asking that question.

Cochran's was busy, but I did finally get through.

I gave my name, my town, and asked my question. And you know what she said?

"We have not received any information form the Senator about his position on this."

"Excuse me?'

Same response.

"I'm sorry. I don't think you understand the direction of this conversation. I am not interested in whether or not you have information. I am interested in making sure he knows what I expect him to do. I expect him to get down on the Senate floor and support Cruz. That's the direction of this conversation." 

Geeze. These people are dimwitted.It was a rhetorical question. I have no interest in his excuses. "Why aren't you doing your homework?" does not mean what's your excuse. It means go do your homework.
Those who know me know I can cuss up a blue streak so insert a blue streak.

Who do these people think they are? They are fundamentally confused. 

There's a great scene in the film, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

Rance Stoddard, the eastern attorney who's come west to Shinbone, starts a school for young and old. He asks Nora, an immigrant from Sweden, to "tell the class what you've learned about the United States."

She stands, clutching her slate, and says, "The United States is a republic and a republic is a state in which the people are the boss. That means us! And if the big shots in Washington don't do like we want we don't vote for them by golly no more."

And he's still talking. Now about the lives of each of the traitors who signed the Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

If it weren't so late, I'd fire off a few rounds

Via Instapundit: 
GUN RIGHTS: Kerry to sign UN arms treaty.
Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to sign an arms trade treaty opposed by the Senate and the gun lobby as early as Wednesday, and Republicans aren’t happy about it.
Kerry’s plan to sign the treaty on the margins of the U.N. General Assembly in New York this week has sparked immediate criticism from GOP opponents. “This treaty is already dead in the water in the Senate, and they know it,” said Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services. “The Administration is wasting precious time trying to sign away our laws to the global community and unelected U.N. bureaucrats.”
A majority of Senators oppose the treaty because it covers small arms, making ratification impossible in the short term.
Republicans should push a non-ratification vote in the Senate now, and get Democrats from swing states on record. And we need to push, instead, for the international human right to be armed.

This does not portend well. But I am optimistic. 


The absence of Danger Bird on the power line in the morning may portend the start of a bad day.
--Miss M

This one may need some 'splainin'. Danger Bird, a.k.a. Mordikay (sp), is a hawk who sat all summer long on the power line above the corn field next to the mini-storage place that's next to Jesse& Mary's welding shop just outside of town. In another life, or maybe later in this one, Miss M would have been / still may will be a good old fashioned ornithologist. I believe it was Daughter C who renamed Mordikay "Danger Bird" for reasons that are unknown to me. Anyway...  they cut the corn field and Danger Bird is now no longer hanging around.

Change. It happens. 

Black cats portend evil but cats of any stripe are no good at all.
--A. Leland
In the dead of night barking hounds portend an intruder, so she loaded the 12-guage.
Current events and trends portend the instability of the United States, and its coming dissolution into numerous regional republics.*
--Mr. Big Food

Daughter C is off somewhere doing something to do with a friend's upcoming wedding. I'll post her sentence as I have it.

46 Pages

It has been 40 days since I've posted about a purchase-- not to be confused with a gift-- of crappy old books. During those 40 days, I have acquired 48 crappy old books.

Check out those two Robert's Rules books! In all my years of scouring crappy old book and junk stores, I had never come across Robert's Rules of Order before and then... boom! I found the Revised edition (1915) in town on the 18th and the Newly Revised (1970) in Tupelo on the 19th. If ever we need to bring order to the Farm, we're set!

Don't worry about those last four entries, I'm not going continental. I found those and the other philosophy books (above & below) in a box on the floor of a hallway. Free.

That War Department book (1929) is interesting. You can contact your commander, take a test on the book's content, and if you pass, receive a certificate!
The crappy old book book to which the post title alludes is History As You Heard It by Lowell Thomas (Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y., 1957).

Do you recognize Mr. Thomas?
Some of you may have heard of Mr. Thomas. Indeed, some may have heard him! For those such as I, who have a vague "sounds sort of familiar" feeling, here are a few snippets of the Wikipedia entry on him.
Lowell Jackson Thomas (April 6, 1892 – August 29, 1981) was an American writer, broadcaster, and traveler, best known as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous. So varied were Thomas's activities that when it came time for the Library of Congress to catalog his memoirs they were forced to put them in "CT" ("biographies of subjects who do not fit into any other category") in their classification.[citation needed]

In 1930, he became a broadcaster with the CBS radio network, delivering a nightly news and commentary program. After two years, he switched to the NBC radio network but returned to CBS in 1947. In contrast to today's practices, Thomas was not an employee of either NBC News or CBS News. Prior to 1947 he was employed by the broadcast's sponsor, Sunoco. When he returned to CBS ... he established an independent company to produce the broadcast which he sold to CBS. He hosted the first-ever television-news broadcast in 1930 and the first regularly scheduled television news broadcast (even though it was just a simulcast of his radio broadcast), beginning on February 21, 1940, on NBC.[5][6] But the television news simulcast was a short-lived venture for him, and he favored radio. Indeed, it was over radio that he presented and commented upon the news for four decades until his retirement in 1976, the longest radio career of anyone in his day (a record later surpassed by Paul Harvey).
History As You Heard It (1957) is 

"a daily chronicle of the years between 1930 and 1955, a collection of excerpts from the news broadcasts of Lowell Thomas." 

 I skimmed through 46 pages, from June 22, 1933 and the Hiterlites attempt to abolish the Old Testament, to December 2, 1936

and rumors of poor King Edward VIII's abdication. [I still think they should have named the kid Edward.]
For your ... -- "amusement" doesn't sound quite right, given what was going on in the world  '33-'36 does it?-- . I've got it! Here are some crappy old news events that portended of things to come (although some news is amusing).
October 27, 1933-- The Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Ickes, produces video praising Islam's contribution to women's rights  [sorry that was yesterday's news] ... announces today a Federal Housing Corporation is going to be established.
March 5, 1934-- It seems almost unbelievable that Dillinger could have escaped so soon after he was put in prison. ... The fact that he escaped by means of a pistol carved with razor blades out of a piece of wood caps the climax of incredibility.

October 22, 1934-- They got Pretty Boy Floyd, the last of the Dillinger big shots. In Iowa, Federal agents dropped Pretty Boy with a well-aimed bullet, so that he crept away into a thicket like a wounded animal. Now comes the last word, the would was mortal. They found him dead.