Books Bygone

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Catching up before the storm

Yesterday's word was 'raillery'.

Raillery between colleagues is a glue that binds successful spots teams... and philosophy departments.
--Mr. Big Food

Her raillery was so infectious that those around her began developing humors of their own.

Raillery is not bullying-- grow up!
Today's word was 'ubiquitous'.

Government and cell phones have become ubiquitous in peoples' lives, but unlike cell phones, you can't cancel your subscription to government.

Ubiquitous bullshit, once exclusively a trait of politicians, now infects expert discourse in all fields.
--Mr. Big Food.

Stars are ubiquitous in the inverted bowl above the Farm.
--Marica (h/t Omar K.)

And now. I'm off to deal with logistics

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