Books Bygone

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Lovely Sounding C-Word

Previous C-Words have been

Consanguinity (9/20)
Connived (9/22)
Clement (9/27-28)
Chromatic (10/6)

Setting aside one's chary worries about one's own work is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition on becoming a successful professional philosopher.
--Mr. Big Food

Rance's influence turned Hallie from a vibrant cactus rose to a chary shrinking violet.

It is better to approach a liberal with sword drawn and wallet chained than with a chary disposition, but by all means, keep them in front of you.
--A. Leland

Everyone was chary in writing a sentence tonight.
--Daughter C
Daughter C is correct. Due to the fact that Mr. Big Food & I were outta here at O'Dark-Thirty, and that, as I hear, there was some...  well, Miss M was almost late for class on account of I know not what..,  the word wasn't chosen until mid-day, and it wasn't publicly broadcast until everyone got home so it makes sense that there was some hesitation, cautiousness, timidity in using this very rich word.

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