Books Bygone

Monday, October 14, 2013

Too Easy

Friday's word was 'charlatan.' We didn't get around to our sentences until last evening. Part of the problem was, 'charlatan' is just too easy-- there are so many of them these days! But we must move forward and so, 

after we had had our fill of beef ribs,
we read our sentences:

Mrs. Cleo was not a psychic; she was nothing more than a charlatan.
--Daughter C

Much to my dismay, the snake oils salesman was a charlatan.

Though skeptical of the charlatan to the right of her, she was positively terrified of his colleagues to the left of her.
--A. Leland

For shame: to cower before a two-bit charlatan and fail to execute your civic duties!
--Mr. Big Food


  1. Easy peasy.

    "We have a charlatan for a president"

  2. I need some cooking help.

    As I commented a couple of days ago, I can no longer find canned apples. I simply don't understand why. Canned apple pie filline, but not just plain canned apples.

    So, last night I used fresh apples to make Apple Crisp. Normally, I'd use a can of canned apples, but no can find, and I have a windfall (would that make a good word for your word game?) of apples from last week's Santa Ana.

    It turned out lousy. Ok...maybe not lousy, but definitely not great. It came out of the oven looking puffy - and a bit browner than it should have been - and I let it cook for an hour. Even then, it was almost too hot to eat without ice cream (oh darn!), but had reduced in volume by about half. The apples were dry and blah. The sauce wasn't. lack of fluid was a factor. How do I overcome this? Maybe precook in a sugar water solution? I don't know.

    Any suggestions? I only used about 4 apples and I have a bunch more...!


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