Books Bygone

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All on One Shelf

One shelf... so to speak.
Over the next few months I'm going to be making some changes to the blog. Not to worry. You won't be affected. The first change is that I'm (eventually) going to migrate to a WordPress platform rather than Blogger. Again-- not to worry. Nothing will change from your point of view. WordPress offers more blogging freedom and you might guess how I feel about that. But I need to learn WordPress.

I've also had seven, coming up on eight, "Books Bygone" essays published in my little local weekly newspaper. Most are published on the newspaper's website, but not all. (It's a pagination thing. If they stick me on the last page of the print version, I don't have a chance of making it to the online version.) My target audience is, of course, the readership of my local paper. But it's a Big world. No harm in opening up that choke and scattering "Books Bygone" essays to a wider flock. 

And so, I give you, a blog of essays about old books and what we can learn from them. The place where you can find all of the essays on one shelf. A transition work in progress where I can learn-- so be kind, if I knew how to insert page breaks, believe you me, I would have inserted page breaks already.

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