Books Bygone

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ice Cubes in H-E-Double-Toothpicks

The chances of this passing both Mississippi houses, and being signed into law by the governor are slim.
That said, I have a proposal. Let's pass a law mandating the publication of the names, addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, birth dates, social security numbers, arrest records, marital status, number and names of children and grandchildren, elementary, middle, high school and college transcripts, dental records, and most ever unflattering bathing suit photograph of every single state representative who proposes something truly stupid.

I'll start with Omeria.

Here's her facebook page. Please note that her favorite athlete is Michael Vick. As Rocky would say, "RRRRRRRUUUUUUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF."

Here she is on Project Vote Smart-- which apparently the folks in District 80 did not do. Husband's name is Charles.

She has lived in Laurel, MS, Jackson, MS, Natchez, MS, and Midland, MI.

Here we go...

 So there you go. Let her know what you think of her stupid little proposal.

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