Books Bygone

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recipe: Salad Nicoise

This recipe calls for "2 quarts torn, mixed salad greens" which we have times infinity -1. (Because it's nonsensical to multiply infinity. We have a lot of lettuce.)

It's an old favorite recipe
from an old favorite cookbook-- now falling apart-- that I've had since before the Girls were born.

It is the vinaigrette that hold everything together. So it's not so much a recipe for a salad as it is an inspiration. Note the carrots-- nowhere to be seen in the recipe- but I pulled them and marinated them. Two weeks from now-- after this evening's rain-- the canned beans will be replaced by fresh. 


Vinaigrette Dressing

3/4 C salad oil
3/4 C tarragon white wine vinegar
1/4 C chopped green onion
2 T snipped fresh parsley
2  t salt
1 t dry mustard
1 t sugar
1/2 t tarragon crushed


16 oz. can cut green beans, drained
2 quarts torn, mixed salad greens
2 tomatoes, sliced
2-3 hard cooked eggs, cut into wedges
6 1/2 oz can white tune, drained
3-4 anchovy fillets, drained [OMIT]
3-4 slices salami or summer sausage, cut into strips
1/2 C ripe olives
1 C tiny whole pickled beets, drained.

Combine first nine ingredients in container with tight cover. Shake well. Pour 1/2 C over beans. Marinate 1 hour, chilling thoroughly. Toss salad greens with enough dressing to coat; place on two large platters, Drain marinated beans.; arrange on salad greens with remaining ingredients.

TIP: Select a combination of 3 salad greens from...

[That's not a problem!]

Capers, artichoke hearts, green pepper strips or strips of boiled ham are also good in this salad.

Serve with Dilly Bread.

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