Books Bygone

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We Don't Need No Stinking Values

“What would be more of a blow ... is not teaching our kids the values of working on a farm,” said Jeff Clack, Cherokee County (Kansas) Farm Bureau president when asked to comment on "a proposal from the Obama administration to prevent children from doing farm chores."

Read the article at The Daily Caller here.

I had some things to say, and some crappy old references to share concerning the Department of Labor's attempts to prohibit kids from using power screwdrivers and climbing ladders.

If it takes all week I'm going to get this pile of old books off my desk

If I recall, the DOL's proposed regulations are 80+ pages long. There is some push back in the legislature. The first post (above) has the relevant links. 
I'm making Across the Garden Soup today, and baking some soda bread. I think I'll watch The Waltons while I'm working in the kitchen.

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