Books Bygone

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Nice Little Chat

Not my Post Office. Mine's way bigger! (haha)
I happened to be out front today as my mail-lady drove up. Say what you will about the United States Postal Service (why in the world would you need to follow USPS on twitter?) but the ladies at my little post* office are very friendly and helpful. Anyway, my mail-lady and I had a nice little chat about:

Our gardens. Her beans did better than mine, but I had more blackeyes. We both love baked sweet potatoes.

Food prices. And it's not going to get any better. Good thing we have gardens and know how to put stuff up. But those city folk are gonna have a hard time.

Preppers. I don't watch that show; her son and husband love it, although she's less enthusiastic.  But tornadoes and hurricanes do happen. Poor city folk.

Ammo. Her son and husband were buying more the other day. See above.

Guns. Her son just bought an AK47.** He loves guns. Me, too! Guns made America great!

Super Talk Mississippi, where we both learned this morning that the AK47 is the weapon of choice for the United States military. I found out from Paul Gallo's morning show. She found out from JT. She's afraid he might have a heart attack on the air one day if this sort of thing keeps up.

Mississippi. We are both glad we live in rural Mississippi because no one really cares about Mississippi.

We left it at that since neither of us knows what's going to happen. 

* Tip: If you are in a rush, do not go into my little post office to conduct business. Go to town. Nancy is the only one in there and she loves to catch up/catch you up on local happenings.

** No. We don't sell guns to minors in Mississippi. 

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