Books Bygone

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Enemy Lines Pt. 3: in Medias Res

Mr. Big Food and I have arrived on the Farm after our Research Trip behind Enemy Lines. All is well on the Farm-- from all appearances it looks like Daughter C., Miss M., and Ula had a crafty weekend. Ula left a nice note.

It's good to be back in Rural Mississippi. Or should I say, "It's good to be back in the civilized part of The United States of America"?

The last few posts were posted in the middle of things. Now that we're safe on this side of the Picket Wire, as I'm able, I'll post some pictures and commentary of Chicagoland. (The train-- The City of New Orleans-- was a much better experience than it might have been but still tiring.)

For now, let me just say that A. Leland drove us past and I didn't see any coyotes. Maybe no one had a cheeseburger in his/her pocket.

Do the Cubbies still play in that Ivy Covered Burial Ground?

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