Books Bygone

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Notable Residents"

I've just downloaded the photos Mr. Big Food took while in Italia. He's recovering from the time change, and catching up on his Farm chores today, so I do not want to disturb him, but if I'm not mistaken,

this is the Hall at the University of Pauda where one of Pauda's "notable residents," Galileo Galilei-- as Chair of Mathematics from 1592-1610-- lectured.
If I'm right about the location, this is also the Hall where Mr. Big Food recently lectured.

That's cool, don't you think? A few days ago, Mr. Big Food was standing where Galileo had stood. He looked at many of the same things Galileo had looked at. (Not, of course, the projector screen.)  His voice, his thoughts, filled the Hall just as Galileo's had.

And today, Mr Big Food cut the grass on the gun range, baked Beer Bread for Vegan Monday, and played Frisbee with the dogs and the rest of us humans, and made a marble pound cake

Until right now, I've never wondered about Galileo's personal life. I suspect Mr. Big Food's is far better. For one thing Mr. Big Food can count on clean water.

Oh. Wait

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