Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Rainy Saturday Morning

Mr. Big Food, Remy, Missy and I took a walk around the property.
All it takes to wear out a five month old knock-off Shepador is a mile long walk that ends with play time in the pasture in the rain. That's all!

There's some fence work to be done along the North Road.
It's shaping up to be a wonderfully relaxing weekend. Daughter C is home, so Rocky is not my responsibility. (Much as I love him, I need a break.) Mr. Big Food tells me we'll be making some salsa-- using the frozen tomatillos from last year's garden-- this afternoon, and some sausage tomorrow. Look forward to those recipes!

In Summertime, this hidden pasture teams with wild sunflowers and butterflies.

 Remy came down from Memphis yesterday and spent the night here at the Farm before heading back. Mr. Big Food grilled a New York strip over mesquite. We finished the evening conversing by the fire with a cognac. We talked at length about vegetable gardens, Liberty, Freedom, self-reliance, and such. Very pleasant.

About that relaxing weekend... . It's really raining and Missy is done napping. Yippee.

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