Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Return of the Milkman & Grocery Boy

This really ticked me off.
For tens of thousands of years the Progressives have been preaching that the Conservative way of doing things-- you know, conservative in that things are working just fine the way they are so why should we change them?-- sucks. And now here we have the Progressives advocating for a Milkman and a Grocery Boy in every neighborhood.  

I have to drive to Starkvegas again today-- this time hauling the trailer and a very large grill which emits copious amounts of hot CO2-- so I don't have time to comment on the article or the paper to which it links. And I certainly don't have time to look at how the "random sample" in the study--- which has "lots of caveats," by the way-- was selected. And frankly, even if I did have the time, I do not have the inclination. 

Just for fun though, before I take the dogs out so they can work up a good pant, here's how the article ends: 
That’s one reason why so many economists like the idea of a price on carbon. 
For the record, we pay a price for carbon. I think it's about $13.98 for two 13-pound bags. Plus 7% sales tax.


  1. In the first place, who makes all those trips out?? Virtually all my trips are made in conjunction with other trips to or from places.

    Secondly, I'll give them this - the more I go into stores, the more I spend. I could definitely see an advantage in having to discipline myself to make a list and have no changes or additions possible after the order is placed.

    On the other hand - no in-store specials! and I have to trust someone else to choose my fresh veggies?? And they're going to deliver after I get home from work?? or leave it out in the sun on the door step??

    I see some problems here!!

    1. No kidding! I'm right there with you on the specials thing. If it weren't for specials, we'd have no meat in the deep freezer.


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