Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who Do These People &^%*ing Think They Are?

The dogs and I had a wonderful run. They were relatively well-behaved, doing what I asked them to do this foggy morning.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my elected officials.

We came back in, got our iced coffee, and checked our email. Okay. The dogs didn't get any email, but one of mine caught my attention. The subject line was "He's still talking."

I didn't believe it. So I turned on CSPAN2 and sure enough, he's still talking!

I emailed my Senators, asking why they were not on the floor supporting him.

And then I picked up the phone.

Wicker's rolled over to voice mail where I left a message asking that question.

Cochran's was busy, but I did finally get through.

I gave my name, my town, and asked my question. And you know what she said?

"We have not received any information form the Senator about his position on this."

"Excuse me?'

Same response.

"I'm sorry. I don't think you understand the direction of this conversation. I am not interested in whether or not you have information. I am interested in making sure he knows what I expect him to do. I expect him to get down on the Senate floor and support Cruz. That's the direction of this conversation." 

Geeze. These people are dimwitted.It was a rhetorical question. I have no interest in his excuses. "Why aren't you doing your homework?" does not mean what's your excuse. It means go do your homework.
Those who know me know I can cuss up a blue streak so insert a blue streak.

Who do these people think they are? They are fundamentally confused. 

There's a great scene in the film, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

Rance Stoddard, the eastern attorney who's come west to Shinbone, starts a school for young and old. He asks Nora, an immigrant from Sweden, to "tell the class what you've learned about the United States."

She stands, clutching her slate, and says, "The United States is a republic and a republic is a state in which the people are the boss. That means us! And if the big shots in Washington don't do like we want we don't vote for them by golly no more."

And he's still talking. Now about the lives of each of the traitors who signed the Declaration of Independence

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