Star Wars II |
After a truly excellent supper of meatloaf/fake carrot-peanut meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and leftover cognac carrots we all settled in for a movie. Miss M.-- I think feeling rather squished on the couch (she's become accustomed to having it all to herself)-- decided to make a pallet.
Missy: A NEW BED!
Rocky: I'm so sleepy. LOOK! Auntie M is making me a new bed!!
Here's what I don't get. Anakin Skywalker was training to be a Jedi. Why didn't he rescue his mother from slavery as soon as he'd grown up enough to have the wherewithall to do it? The Jedi are supposed to be the Justice League from a Galaxy Far Far Away. Surely, they would have backed him.
Slavery is immoral.
And another thing. How old is that young Queen/Senator supposed to be? I mean, was she like 12 in Starwars I? "Maybe I was too young to be queen." Y'think?
Seriously, things are hanging by a thread.
By the way, as we were fixing supper we watched a classic episode of TOS. Khan.
Sunday is planting day.
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