Friday, November 23, 2012

Planning, Co-operation, and Thanks

Sauce for pre-assembled vegan green bean casserole
and a couple of pies were planned for Wednesday.
There were seven of us. Before Daughter C and Co. came out Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Big Food and Miss M. did some prep cooking. After they arrived, we put away the fruits of their labors-- Ula's homemade breads, Bruno's sweet potato casserole, piles of veggies for nibblies, wine, wine and more wine... . What am I missing? Oh, yes! All of the ingredients for a third corn bread dressing, courtesy of Mr. Bow Tie

On the day itself, there was a tremendous amount of co-operation

and after dinner.
It was such a beautiful late afternoon that on the spur of the moment we decided to eat outside!

Men being thankful after dinner.
Later, we all convinced ourselves that it was getting chilly

so Daughter C built a fire-- from scratch!-- and she and Miss. M. and Ula did some Christmas crafts.
And then it was time for 

P.I.E.-- choose one, two or all three!
Thanks to all who made this a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Post Script: Daughter C. and Co. left this morning, but before they left each person stripped or made his or her bed! Thank you!

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