Thursday, August 2, 2012

Does this make sense?

Fewer Americans than ever say they are going out to eat less often than they were six months ago.
I saw a headline at which read: 
41% Dining Out Less Often Than They Were Six Months Ago
It linked to a Rasmussen poll. I took a look and that (above) is the lead sentence, followed by this:
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of American Adults say they are dining out at a restaurant less often compared to six months ago.  Only five percent (5%) say they are going out to eat more often, while a majority (53%) is dining out about the same as they were six months ago.
I just checked with Mr. Big Food and he agrees that the first sentence says the opposite of the reported results. 

Geeze. And they think we can't talk no good English.

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